
The Dieselmatic Difference: What Sets Us Apart

The Dieselmatic Difference: What Sets Us Apart
So, you’ve decided to hire an agency to take care of your commercial repair shop’s marketing. Congratulations! That’s going to be a sound investment. Just make sure you choose the right agency.

Yes, friends, you have some choices in the matter. 

There are a lot of agencies out in the world. Some of them are pretty good. Some of them are even sort of in the diesel industry. But none of them are anything close to Dieselmatic.

At around this point, you might expect us to start bagging on the other agencies and explaining what they’re doing wrong. But you know what? We don’t need to do that. We’re confident that our skills and services speak for themselves—so instead of picking at what they do wrong, we’ll focus on what we do right. 

Behold the Dieselmatic Difference!


If you’re a diesel repair shop owner, you very likely wear a whole bunch of hats. Some of you might be perfectly happy to add “marketing manager” to that stack, but a lot of you would much rather let someone else deal with it.

That’s where Dieselmatic shines. Sure, if you want to be hands-on with the process, you absolutely can be—but we handle everything. We build modern, professional-looking websites from scratch, not from a template. We build out email campaigns and social media profiles. We get you set up with Google Business

We do the work.

All the work.

You can check in on how things are going whenever you want from the dashboard. And really, that’s the extent of the work you have to do. Leave the rest to us. 


Google likes fresh, informative content. As a result, Google promotes websites that provide fresh, informative content. 

The shops we work with get absolutely unique content that is relevant to the heavy-duty industry. Through DieselDocs, we deliver the kind of articles that your customers will want to read—with topics ranging from issues with the Cummins ISX to developments in alternative fuel vehicles and more. 

These articles show potential customers that you’re an authority in the field—and shouldn’t they take their truck to an authority?


We’ve saved the most important difference for last, although we’ve talked about it before. The biggest thing we have in our favor is that we’re genuinely in the commercial heavy-duty sphere. We live here. We add diesel to our coffee instead of creamer.

(OK, I’m being told by my editor that that’s a stretch. Please do not add diesel to anything edible.)

Lots of the agencies you might look at to handle your marketing are well-versed or even specialize in automotive marketing. Sure, that’s a start. Cars are kind of like trucks in that they both move when you press the gas pedal. But the comparison really ends there—the heavy-duty diesel repair world is nothing like the automotive repair world

If you go with an agency that specializes in automotive marketing, you’ll be spending an inordinate amount of time getting them up to speed. They’ll need to learn about glow plugs vs. spark plugs. And forget figuring out DOT and BIT inspections.

When you go with Dieselmatic, you’ll work with a team that can tell the difference between a zerk and a zerg. The time you’d spend introducing us to your field will instead go toward building out a marketing campaign that will get results—that means more customers for you and more revenue.

Get in touch with us today and let us show you the Dieselmatic difference!

Importance Of Local SEO For Truck Service Shops
February 7, 2024
Alan Tran
Alan Tran