If you have a commercial repair shop, you need a website.
Yes, we’ve shouted this from the rooftops. Just about every marketing publication and blog will also mention it somewhere in their materials. Your website is your internet shopfront. It’s how potential customers find you.
You’ve probably heard of the State of Heavy-Duty Repair report. If not,head right over here to download a free copy. It’s produced by our partners at Fullbay, and per usual, they’ve loaded it up with all kinds of interesting industry-specific data.
A portion of that data involves marketing—specifically shop websites. They also had some additional data points that didn’t make it into the report…so naturally we asked for it.
After reviewing the data, we’re handing it off to you, the commercial repair shop owner, for another look. There’s lots of information available about how a website can impact a business, but that information tends to cluster around other industries—until now, no one has talked much about heavy-duty diesel. We’re trying to change that.
So, let’s get started with thebedrock of all repair shop marketing efforts: the website.
Fullbay’s survey was simple: it asked who had a website and what kind of shape it was in. Here’s what they learned:
- 71% of shops surveyed have a website
- 13% of the shops that have a website indicated that was old and/or outdated
- 29% of shops surveyed don’t have a website at all
We also have regional data available to us:
- 78% of shops in the Southwest have a website—the region led the pack
- 70% of shops in the West have a website
- 68% of shops in the Southeast have a website
- 55% of shops in the Midwest have a website
- 44% of shops in the Northeast have a website
Below, we’ve broken down the data further so that you can see who in each region has a website, who doesn’t, and who has a site they identify as old and/or outdated.
We wanted to find out if a shop’s age might determine whether it had a website. We admit we went into this thinking younger shops, at least, would have a website…but as you’ll see, we were surprised.
- 59% of shops between 0-5 years of age had a website
- 71% of shops between 6-12 years of age had a website
- 61% of shops between 13-20 years of age had a website
- 55% of shops over 20 years of age had a website
While more than half of the youngest shops out there have websites, there’s a 12-point jump in the 6-12 category. Seems like a lot of shops got into the second category and promptly got themselves a site!
You can see more detail in the graph below, which tells you which shops had websites, which didn’t, and which had websites they identified as old or outdated.
In addition, we looked at the divide between independent shops and internal fleet shops. Here’s what we found:
Independent shops
- 58% of independent shops had a site
- 12%, however, said their site was old
- 29% of shops did not have a site at all
Internal fleet
- 71% of internal shops had a website
- 2% identified their website as old or outdated
- 27% of internal shops didn’t have a website
What can we take away from this? Independent shops definitely need to catch up!
When thinking about building a website or updating an old one, shop owners inevitably think of one question: Is it going to drive revenue?
Ideally, yes. Your website is your internet shopfront, and customers will find you, see that you know your stuff, and have you top of mind when they’re ready to book service.
So, does a website = money? Here’s what the data tells us:
- 38% of shops earning between $0-$250,000 had a website
- 55% of shops earning between $250,001-$500,000 had a website
- 62% of shops earning between $500,001-$1 million had a website
- 71% of shops earning between $1 and $2 million had a website
- 73% of shops earning between $2 and $4 million had a website
- 94% of shops earning between $4 and $6 million had a website
- 93% of shops earning over $6 million had a website
The data tells us the more revenue your shop earns, the likelier you are to have a website, which is probably helping you bring in more revenue.
Okay. We’ve looked at the impact a good website can have on customers and revenue, but what about the other critical part of a thriving commercial business?
Does a good website make it easier to hire technicians? We broke it down by how difficult shops found hiring in 2021.
- 100% of shops that reported finding it much easier to hire techs had a website
- 53% of shops that reported finding it much more difficult to hire had a website
- 59% of shops that said hiring didn’t change in 2021 had a website
- 62% of shops that reported finding it slightly more difficult to hire techs had a website
- 84% of shops that reported finding it somewhat easier to hire techs had a website
Our takeaway is that everyone had issues finding techs in 2021—that’s just an unfortunate part of the industry these days. There are just fewer techs to go around. But it does seem like shops with a website had an easier time attracting talent; shops without a website certainly reported a more difficult time of it.
Your website isn’t just for your potential customers. It’s also your gateway for potential employees. Younger techs especially are looking for a professional, modern website, because like it or not, your website represents your business. A premium site suggests a premium operation—and a good place to work.
(Lots more goes into that, of course, but we’re saying it here: appearance matters.)
You’ve seen the data. You’re on our website, so you know that we’re the digital marketing solution for the heavy-duty industry. If you’re ready to take the step and build amodern, SEO-optimized website(or update your old one), then we absolutely hope you’llget in touch with us. We can handle other critical aspects of marketing, too, likemanaging SEMandhandling paid search.
Every day, fleet managers and owners are looking for commercial shops to handle preventive maintenance and more pressing repairs. They’re looking online. If you don’t have a presence, they’re not going to find you. The experts at Dieselmatic are ready to help your shop get seen—so give us a call. We’d love to hear from you!