
Diesel Repair Shop Marketing Guide: Part One

Diesel Repair Shop Marketing Guide: Part One
Learn how taking simple steps in your Google My Business profile can increase your monthly revenue by $10k. This guide is specifically for diesel repair shops!

Introduction to Google My Business

Customers choose between the first 3 businesses they see in Google.

If you're not in the top 3, you're missing out on new potential customers.

It's the difference between 1 call per week and 10 calls per day.

Which can mean over $10k per month in revenue.


How can your diesel repair shop rank better in your area?

Follow the steps in this guide for insider tips that your competitors are very likely missing out on.

Step 1: Access Google My Business

Log into your Google My Business profile.

(If you haven't set this up yet, go do that first. Here's a link)

Most diesel repair shops only take the time to fill out the most basic information for their shop.

Name. Location. Hours.

But then they stop there and leave all the other sections blank.

This means they miss out on HUGE opportunities to show Google (and therefore your customers) who you are and what your business does.

46% of all Google searches are made by customers looking for a local business > Source

Step 2: Add Additional Service Categories

Most diesel repair shops only list their "Primary Category" and leave the "Additional categories" blank.

Big no-no.

This leaves you out of the race for the top spots on Google when customers near you with diesel trucks search for "brake service" or "transmission repair".

Adding these additional categories will signal to Google that you're business who does a variety of work on diesel engines.

And, as a result, you'll start showing up for more searches.

Then you'll get more emails.

And phone calls.

And customers.

Try adding the following as additional service categories: engine rebuilding service, brake shop, transmission shop, air conditioning repair shop.

Step 3: Write A Detailed Service List

The "Services" section allows you to add specific services like "Diesel Engine Rebuild". Fill out these sections with general information and your shop's best practices.

"I don't like to include prices online."

We all know that every job is unique and prices can range. However, keep in mind that customers are just looking for a ballpark price when deciding what shop to choose.

Use industry average rates and quote everything as an approximate or average value.

Don't Skip Any Services. List Everything Down to An Oil Change. Google Will Rank You Higher.

Step 4: Post Shop Photos

People like to know where they're going.

For first time customers, this is huge.

Having a clear idea of what your business looks like will give you a leg up over the other mystery locations your customer is considering.

Head to the "Photos" section in your GMB profile and upload at least 3 photos for each section.

Make sure your "Cover" image is your best one. (It's the one that shows up in Google beside your business profile.

Protip: if you don't have good photos of your shop, go to Instagram and search for your city (ie. #dallastx or #edmonton).

Scroll until you find a good photo of a car or truck. DM the account and say the following:

"I'm a local business and I need some photos of my shop. I have a $250 budget. Would you be interested in coming by and taking some photos for me?"

Then set up a time and get some killer shots of your shop!

Step 5: Get More Google Reviews


Google Reviews are maybe the single most important aspect of your Google business listing.

If you have the ability to set up automated emails or text messages that go out to your customers a few days after they visit the shop, set it up now.

If not, have your Shop Manager or whoever runs the front desk start asking happy customers to leave reviews.

Free Guide | How to Get More Google Reviews
Ask customers to include specific info like vehicle make/model, your city, and the type of service.

Step 6: Use Incognito to Track your Google ranking

Since you’ve probably searched for your business in the past, your browser will show you your business first when you search for “diesel repair shop near me”.

However, that’s not the case for everyone.

To see what other users see, open an Incognito browser and search “diesel repair near me”. This will give you a more accurate view of where your business ranks for your customers.

Protip: track your rank by searching now, and take note of where your business shows up. Then, come back later after you’ve used this guide to see how your rank has improved.

Step 7: Don't Use This Guide

If you've got too much work on your plate already, you're probably not going to take the time to work through this guide.

And we don't blame you.

Running a diesel repair shop is tough and you've got to wear a lot of hats.

But the smart guys are the ones who find good help.

And that's where we come in.

If you'd like to talk about how we can implement this list for you (and so much more), send us an email or schedule a call at a time that works for you.

This guide helped one of our client's revenue increase by $10k per month from their Google My Business profile alone. Instead of a handful of calls each month, they now get 5-10 calls per day — all from their GMB profile.

Continue reading: Diesel Repair Shop Marketing Guide: Part Two

Importance Of Local SEO For Truck Service Shops
February 7, 2024
Alan Tran
Alan Tran